Here at NB Genetics our breeding program aims to breed practical, high performing cattle that add value to any beef production system.
We are the driving force in Australian Angus and our herd is second to none. We continue to source the best genetics in the world and reproduce them through NB Genetics programs that are constantly evaluated and improved.
If you want to increase the profitability of your herd, you need to invest in the right genetics. NB Genetics has a simple philosophy that not only creates a premium product but also efficiencies along the production chain.
After years of research on what has been done, what is available, and what can be achieved, NB Genetics has set the foundations to continue producing a high-performance beef production chain.
Achieve the maximum genetic improvement with NB Genetics' breeding program at every step of the supply chain.
Phase 1: Genetic Selection
The first step is always the most important one, this is where decisions are made and outcomes are measured, evaluated and quantified for performance. Discipline is most important to keep on track for the high-performance production goal. In this phase we aim to conduct the trial work and only offer bulls that have proven performance to then go out and duplicate their traits for clients. We feel the trial must stay inside the stud operation and only proven genetics enter the commercial paddocks.
Phase 2: Cow/calf production
For the cow/calf producer the number one performance indicator is live calves on the ground. NB Genetics bulls have been selected for calving ease and moderate birth weights. Once the calf is on the ground, we want fast growth to start taking play. NB Genetics selects for the rapid 200-day growth to aim for 300kg progeny under commercial conditions.
Phase 3: Backgrounding
The same philosophy flows through to the backgrounding phase of the production chain where rapid growth and efficient feed conversion is paramount. The aim is to bring the animal to 450-500kg at 400 days, setting them up for the same efficient feed conversion traits through to the feedlotting sector.
Phase 4: Feedlotter
Animals are sent to the feedlot at an early age bracket and on the front foot with rumen development. During this stage we want to see our progeny converting 4:1 and gaining 3kg/day on a 100-day feed program that sees 800kg animals heading for harvest at 16 months of age.
Phase 5: Harvest Plant
From here we see the extra value really come into play with above average yields (58-60%) being broken down and superior carcass quality traits (marble score 4+ and 12-16 inch REA).
Our research shows beef animals have 4 mechanisms for storing excess energy; subcutaneous, intermuscular, intramuscular and visceral fat deposits. All very different and each animal has certain priorities based on the genetic makeup. For NB Genetics it is about detecting animals that prioritise the energy storing mechanism to intramuscular regions. Benefits from this mechanism include less trimmings from processing. From a meat science point of view, it is the driving force behind superior flavour and tenderness. And from a dietary view point, this category of fat is the high-density lipids meaning they breakdown cholesterol.
Our focus is a holistic approach that selects on all traits of merit. This selection process not only includes the above program but equally the reproduction phase.
Our females must perform commercially for us to expect their progeny will do likewise for our clients. They are joined on a tight 60-day calving window that takes place 60 days after calving ensuring they are calving the same time every year. No exceptions are made for this rule and any females that don’t perform simply fall out of the NB Genetics system.
To give their calves every opportunity to perform at their best, milk data is especially vital. In this trait we aim for moderating to keep the balance between production and up-keep for the female. We often see high milking females but only able to due to increased feed consumption which is reversing our foundation of efficient beef production.
Our bulls are independent structurally assessed ensuring detection of any malfunction is cut from the production system.
Our generational involvement in breeding bulls also gives us an advantage in selecting on certain traits which simply can only be learned through generations of experience.
Most importantly, like on the rugby field, we take an eyes up approach. We don’t know what we don’t know and so we continue to always be on the front foot in developing improvements to beef production in every effort possible.